If You Never Want to See Me Again I Would Understand Meaning

Conditional CLAUSES

Make full THE GAPS WITH THE Correct VERB Course:

1.- I don�t call back she�s worried nigh us. If she (be) ............................. worried, she (phone)

........................... or something.

2.- I have an appointment at 3.xxx tomorrow. If I (manage) .............................. to terminate before

4.xxx, I (do) ................................ the shopping on my style back.

3.- Tom missed his flight. He (get) ....................................... to the aerodrome on time if he

(not oversleep) ...................................................

4.- If I (have) ..................................... such a large firm as yours, I (invite) ............................

all my friends for the weekend.

5.- If the child (not be playing) ........................................................ with matches, he (not burn)

........................................ himself. Now he�south in infirmary.

six.- She�due south so shy. If she (talk) ............................. to people, she (make) .......................... friends.

7.- And then, you�re seeing Terry this night. If he (inquire) ................................ you about me, (not, tell)

............................... him I�m going out with John.

8.- If a machine (be) ............... properly maintained, it (fail, never) ...........................................

9.- We (invite) ............................................ him if we (know) ..................................................

his address, merely he never gave it to us.

10.- Unless I (have) ....................... a problem, I (bother, never) ................................ my friends.

11.- You lot�re very stiff. If you lot (try) ......................., you (win) ..........................,... your opponent.

12.- Look what you�ve done. If you (be) ......................................... careful, yous (not, pause)

......................................... all those glasses.

13.- I was so stupid! Nothing (happened) ........................................... if I (not, moved)

............................................... to his flat.

fourteen.- She�due south a scrap curt. If he (be) ...................... taller he (can) .................................. play basket.

15.- Distressing. I (lend) ................................. yous the money you need if I (have) ........................ it.

sixteen.- The bus is full upward. If at that place (exist) ..................... an empty seat, I (sit down) ............................. down.

17.- Why didn�t you go to the police station? If yous (report) ..................................... the theft, they

(can abort) ............................................ the robbers.

18.- I (get out) ............................ him a message is he (non, be) ......................home when I phone.


1.- She would have never left her job if ...

2.- The workers would continue strike if ...

three.- They won�t come to the hymeneals if ...

iv.- If there weren�t so much traffic, ...

5.- If Harry had got up earlier, ...

6.- If little children have pets, ...

7.- Yous�ll ameliorate your English if ...

8.- People call the fire brigade if ...

nine.- Everybody volition stare at you if ...

10.- You�ll need a lawyer if ...

11.- He would accept asked her out if ...

12.- If you want to know the meaning of a word, ...

13.- If I had known you were coming, ...

14.- If that model of car had been cheaper, ...

15.- If I were y'all, ...

16.- Everybody would like to travel abroad if ...

17.- If y'all carry like that, �

xviii.- If they had thought before doing anything, �

xix.- If she read the volume, �

20.- Everybody would accept enjoyed themselves if �

21.- I�ll accept your invitation if �

22.- I would eat fish if �

23.- You lot should accept the dress back to the shop if �

24.- If y'all haven�t got whatsoever more questions, �

25.- Lock the front door if �

26.- If you lot can�t come to the coming together on fourth dimension, �

27.- In that location will be a lot of problems if �

28.- Nobody would have got killed in the accident if �

29.- If there had been an alarm in the museum, �

xxx.- If you want the children to exist quiet, �


1.- If nobody helps me, I�ll become into problem.

I�ll become into trouble unless somebody helps me.

ii.- I won�t know anything about my friends if they don�t write to me.

3.- They wouldn�t have bothered you if they hadn�t needed your help.

4.- If there isn�t a traffic jam, we�ll be home by five o�clock.

five.- People don�t go to the doctor if they aren�t sick.

6.- I�ll punish yous if y'all don�t tell me the truth.

7.- They won�t invite y'all to their party if they don�t know your phone number.

8.- They won�t requite y'all the job if they don�t like your appearance.

nine.- If you don�t stop your homework at present, I won�t permit you watch Tv.

10.- I won�t telephone you if there isn�t anything urgent.

11.- I wouldn�t invest all this money if I weren�t sure I would get information technology dorsum.

12.- If you don�t get up early, you�ll miss your train.

xiii.- I wouldn�t have asked him any questions if he hadn�t been ready to answer them.

xiv.- We won�t go fishing if the weather isn�t fine.

15.- I won�t enquire him to write if he doesn�t want to.

16.- I never hitch-hike if it isn�t absolutely necessary.

17.- If I don�t know annihilation well-nigh him in 2 days, I�ll study his disappearance to the

police force.

xviii.- She wouldn�t relieve any coin if she didn�t want to buy a house of her ain.

Unless as long as provided (that) providing (that ) on status that

1.- I (not phone) over again tonight if there isn�t anythingurgent.


2.- I (give) them a paw merely ifthey promised to assistance me in return.


3.- Ifhe has plenty money to get out and enjoy himself, he (not intendance) nearly anything else.


4.- He would probably take gone on wrestling if he (non have)whatever health problems.


5.- Ifnosotros (have) plenty rainfall this spring, our crops volition be as good as last year�s.


six.- I wouldn�t bother him ifinformation technology (be) necessary.


7.- We won�t worry ifour customers (be) satisfied.


eight.- She would get married only ifshe (see) a millionaire candidate.


9.- Ify'all (change), you will accept a lot of problems in life.



i.- if we Accept / Volition TAKE a taxi, we Volition ARRIVE / ARRIVED sooner.

ii.- You WOULDN�T Become / DIDN�T Become wet if you lot WOULD HAVE WORN / WERE WEARING a glaze.

3.- If our team HAD SCORED / SCORED more goals, it HAD WON / COULD HAVE WON.

iv.- I HAD GIVEN / WOULD HAVE GIVEN you the news if you PHONED / HAD PHONED me yesterday.

5.- If you TOOK / WOULD HAVE TAKEN more exercise, you lot MIGHT FEEL / HAD FELT better


7.- If we ARE/WOULD Be LATE for grade, our teacher WILL BE / WAS angry.

eight.- If we LIVED / WOULD Alive on another planet, nosotros WOULD Meet / Volition Run into the Earth in the heaven.

nine.- If we WERE / ARE birds, we WOULD BE ABLE / ARE ABLE to fly.

ten.- If you DON�T WEAR / WOULDN�T Clothing your pullover, you lot Will Experience / FELT common cold.

xi.- If I HAD / WOULD Take lots of money, I WOULD Give / GAVE some to all my friends.

12.- If I HAD KNOWN / WOULD KNOW it was your birthday, I WOULD SEN / WOULD HAVE SENT y'all a card.

13.- If you HAD Come / CAME to seen the flick, you WOULD Take ENJOYED/ HAD ENJOYED it.


1.- If y'all�d be more than sensible, you didn�t think about such stupid things.


2.- Unless I don�t take whatever trouble, I won�t bother yous.


3.- Would you help me if you can?


4.- I�d have bought her a present if she invited me to her altogether party.


v.- Nobody had noticed if y'all left the political party before the others.


6.- If he had been a vegetarian, he wouldn�t eat meat.


vii.- If you came to my party, you lot�ll enjoy yourself.


8.- I wouldn�t look upwards his phone number in the directory if I know it.


9.- She wouldn�t spend her savings unless it weren�t necessary.


ten.- Would he win de competition if he had entered for it?


xi.- I�ll surrender smoking if I had a cold.


12.- If she works harder, she would laissez passer her exams.


thirteen.- If she hadn�t a dog, she would feel lonely.


xiv.- They�d had understood if you�d explained it to them conspicuously.



i. were would phone

two. manage volition do

3. would have got hadn�t overslept

iv. had would invite

5. hadn�t been playing wouldn�t have burnt

6. talked would make

7. asks don�t tell

8. is never fails

9. would have invited had known

10. have never carp

11. endeavor will win

12. had been wouldn�t have broken

thirteen. would take happened hadn�t moved

14. were could

15. would lend had

xvi. were would sit

17. had reported could take arrested

18. will leave isn�t

Folio 2


one. she had been well-paid (three)

2. their demands weren�t met (2)

three. they don�t become the invitation on time (i)

iv. I would give you a lift (2)

5. he would have arrived on fourth dimension (iii)

6. they develop a sense of responsibility (0)

seven. you spend some time in Uk (ane)

8. there is a fire in the firm (0)

9. you wear those dress (ane)

10. you have whatsoever legal problem (1)

eleven. he had met her at the party (iii)

12. look information technology up in a dictionary (1)

13. I would have cooked something nice (3)

14. I would have bought it (three)

fifteen. I wouldn�t go on holiday with them (two)

16. they could afford to (2)

17. yous won�t go to the zoo (i)

18. the wouldn�t have fabricated such a terrible fault (three)

19. she would savour information technology (2)

20. they had gone to the political party (3)

21. I am available on that date (1)

22. there were nothing else (ii)

23. you it doesn�t fit you (i)

24. we�ll terminate the meeting hither (1)

25. you exit the house (1)

26. ring me up (1)

27. we don�t assistance with the work (1)

28. they had been wearing a seat belt (3)

29. the painting wouldn�t accept been stolen (3)

30. switch on the Boob tube (one)

PAGE three

one. .

2. I won�t know anything near my friends unless they write to me

iii. They wouldn�t have bothered y'all unless they had needed your assistance

four. I�ll be habitation by 5 o�clock unless there�s a traffic jam

v. People don�t go to the doctor unless they are ill

six. I�ll punish you unless you tell me the truth

7. They won�t invite you to their party unless they take your phone number

8. They won�t give you the task unless they similar your advent

9. I won�t let you watch TV unless you finish your homework

10. I won�t phone you unless there�s something urgent

xi. I wouldn�t invest all this money unless I was sure I would go it dorsum

12. You�ll miss your train unless yous get up early

thirteen. I wouldn�t have asked him whatever questions unless he had been set up to answer them

14. Nosotros won�t become fishing unless the weather is fine

15. I won�t ask him to write unless he wants to

sixteen. I never hitch-hike unless information technology is absolutely necessary

17. I�ll report his disappearance to the police unless I know something well-nigh him in two days

xviii. She wouldn�t salve money unless she wanted a business firm of her own


(there�s more one option)

1. I won�t telephone again this night unless in that location is something urgent

ii. I�ll give them a mitt on condition that they hope to assist me in return

3. As long as he has plenty money to get out and enjoy himself, he doesn�t care near anything else

4. He would probably had gone on wrestling as long as he hadn�t had whatsoever health problem

5. Provided we have enough rainfall this spring, our crops will be as good as concluding yr�due south

6. I wouldn�t carp him unless it were necessary

7. Nosotros won�t worry as long as our customers are satisfied

8. She would get married on condition that she met a millionaire

ix. You volition accept a lot of problems in life unless you change


ane. have will arrive

two. wouldn�t get were wearing

3. had scored could accept won

4. would take given had phoned

v. took might experience

6. had driven wouldn�t have crashed

7. are will be

eight. lived would see

9. were would be able to

x. don�t wear will feel

11. had would give

12. had known would have sent

13. had come up would have enjoyed


(there is more one choice)

1. If you were more than sensible, you wouldn�t think such stupid things

2. Unless I have a problem, I won�t carp yous.

3. Would you lot assistance me if you could?

4. I�d accept bought her a nowadays if she had invited me to her birthday party

five. Nobody would observe if you left the party before the others

6. If he were a vegetarian, he wouldn�t eat meat

vii. If you lot came to my party, you would enjoy yourself

eight. I wouldn�t look upward his phone number if I knew it

9. She wouldn�t spend her savings unless it were necessary

x. Would he win the contest if he entered for it?

11. I would surrender smoking if I had a common cold

12. If she works harder, she will pass her exams

13. If she didn�t have a dog, she would experience lonely

14. They would have understood if you had explained it to them clearly


Source: https://lektsii.org/6-89583.html

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